Casting poison on food or drink (containers) will poison it. Eating poisoned food/drinks will poison the person eating or drinking.
A person who is poisoned will suffer 2 points of damage every hour, and regain points more slowly than usual.
This spell protects the person on whom it is cast from damage from evil monsters. The more evil the attacker is, the more of the damage is deflected. Up to one third of the damage is deflected. The spell can only be cast on players of good alignment, and only affects melee style attacks (not missiles and not spells).
See PROTECTION FROM EVIL, reading "evil" as "good" and vice versa.
Will remove a curse on carried objects or any persons in the room.
See Also: POISON
Creatures protected by sanctuary get approximately one-half damage from attacks.
This spell causes the victim to fall asleep until attacked or when the spell wears off.
The caster will gain 1 strength point per spell (2 points if level of caster is greater than 18). Maximum strength is 18/100.
The caster will be transferred back to his/her point of origin, normally the Temple at Midgaard. Monsters will not be affected by this spell.
See also: TLI.
Will summon a person of the name spoken. It is not possible to summon someone of three or more levels above yourself. If you attempt to summon a monster, it will get a saving throw. Aggressive monsters cannot be summoned into Midgaard, and non-playerkiller player characters cannot be summoned *except* into Midgaard.
This spell does (level)d4 damage to the victim, and restores one quarter of this amount to the caster.
Is is not possible to charm anyone that is already charmed, if you're charmed yourself, or if the person is higher level than yourself. The person will get a saving throw versus "paralysation".
A charmed person will follow you, and not be able to attack you, you can order charmed person using the order command.
This spell will enable you to sense hidden life forms in a room. Invisible persons are also considered hidden.
See Also: HIDE
Accumulative: -
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Versus spell for half damage.
This is the least powerful offensive magic user spell.
This spell is more powerful than the magic missile spell. A victim failing its saving throw will get its strength reduced by one.
This spell is more powerful than the chill touch spell.
This spell is more powerful than the burning hands spell.
This spell is more powerful than the shocking grasp spell.
This spell is more powerful than the lightning bolt spell.
This spell does not give much damage, but victims failing their saving throws will lose up to 40,000 XP points. You will gain a quarter of this XP.
Beware that this spell is evil.
This spell is the most powerful spell a magic user can cast.
This spell will damage everybody except the caster by 1d8+level hitpoints.
This spell will only affect evil creatures. An evil person of level equal or less than caster will suffer 100 damage points. Very evil creatures will suffer full damage; *barely* evil creatures will suffer half damage.
If the victim is higher level than caster, the spell will inflict (level)d4 damage points.
See "DISPEL EVIL" and read "evil" as "good".
This spell will use the "force of nature" to make a lightning strike the victim. It is therefore only possible to call lightning outside, and it has to be raining (or worse).
The lightning will inflict (level)d8 points of damage, up to a maximum of 15d8 damage points.
This spell removes all but 1d4 hitpoints from the victim. The maximum number of damage points are 100. It is not possible to kill using this spell (but almost).
This spell causes all those who fail their saving throw who are in the room with the caster to attempt to flee in panic.
This spell will change dead bodies in the room into zombies under the control of the caster. Usually. It's possible that the dead will resent being awakened from their slumber, and will turn on the caster. The strength of the zombie is dependent on the level of the creature when it was alive, the freshness of the corpse, and whether or not the corpse was from a PC (PC's make better zombies).
Zombies do not retain any of the special abilities of their former lives.
This spell will remove the effect of any spell of duration that is affecting a player. For example, it can remove invisibility, detect invisibility, armor, etc. The spell with the least duration left is targeted for removal.
This can be used to remove the effect of bad "spells" too. The longer the spell has to run, the less the chance of removal.
This spell allows you to suggest a single action to any creature. If he fails his save, he is compelled to do what you suggest. This spell is considered an attack, so you cannot use it with impunity.
This spell causes fragile objects in the victim's possession to shatter. Drink containers and potions can be blown to pieces by this spell. Objects in a character's possession can only be shattered with difficulty.
A creature failing to save against this spell is rendered insane. Insane creatures have a very tenuous connection with reality, and have difficulty acting in a rational manner.
This spell makes a player forget his talents/skills, at least in part. Master thieves will find themselves fumbling with simple locks, and high clerics will be unable to perform more than the most basic healing spells. This also makes those pesky "remembering" monsters forget their grudge against you.
This removes the effect of insanity from the person specified.
This spell creates a magic light, equivalent in nearly all ways to a torch. If you are using a light source, it will instead make your light source last at least as long as the light created would have.
This spell attempts to summon an elemental that will serve the caster. The elemental, even if successfully summoned, is certain to resent its servitude, and will eventually (or perhaps even immediately) attempt to kill the caster. Until that happens, however, elementals are extremely powerful servants.
This spell is used to gain control of an elemental that has already been summoned to this plane. It can be an elemental under another player's control, or it can be one that has been abandoned.