Group with no argument shows a list of people with whom you are grouped.
To make a group, a "leader" must be selected. All members of the group must then "follow" the leader using the follow command. The leader should NOT follow anyone at all! The leader can now toggle group membership for each player in the group, by using "group
(Dragon should be following no one but himself)
Later when Dragon gets upset at Quifael (because he is sleeping all the time) he types: "group Quifael" to kick Quifael out of the group.
See Also:
See Also: GROUP.
See Also: GROUP.
Most wands require that you point it at a target, which can be either a character or an object. If you use a wand *with* a target when it doesn't require one (or vice versa), a charge is still used.
See also:
The Armor spell will improve your AC by 2.
See Also: AC.
Teleport (with error) will instantly transfer the target of the spell to another location in the world. This location is random, and thus there will always be a risk of landing in a fatal location. Some parts of the world cannot be so escaped, however.
Bless on a victim will improve the victims saving throw versus spells by 1, and furthermore improve the hitroll by 1.
Bless on an item currently has no defined action. It is only possible to bless non-evil items, and the object blessed may weigh no more than five pounds per level of caster.
This spell will change the "course" of the current weather.
This spell instantly creates an edible magic mushroom. The mushroom will provide filling for the next (5+level) hours, up to a maximum of 24 hours.
Expect disastrous results if cast upon a drink container which contains another liquid than water. Empty or water containers will be filled depending on the level of the caster.
Double amount of water will be created if it is raining (or worse).
This spell will cure a person blinded by the "
blindness" spell, it cannot remove blindness caused by for example cursed items.
This spell cures 2d8+1 hitpoints of damage.
This spell cures 3d8+3 hitpoints of damage.
This spell cures 1d8 hitpoints of damage.
Curse cast on a person that fails the saving throw, will reduce the hitroll by one, and reduce the saving throw versus paralysation by one.
Detect alignment will allow you to see the red aura surrounding evil items and beings, and the white aura surrounding good beings. Neutral beings show no aura.
This spell enables you to see invisible items and players.
This spell will let you see the magical aura surrounding magical objects. It will also tell you what spells and spell-like effects that people are under.
Cast on food or drinks (drink containers) you will be able to sense if it is poisoned.
Cast on a person you will be able to see if that person is poisoned. Note: this aspect of the spell is now mostly useless, since "detect magic" will show poisoning on people.
This spell will enchant non-magical (non-modifying) weapons only. By non-modifying weapons we refer to weapons that might alter any ability such as for example damage. The only way to know if a weapon is suitable for enchantment is to fully identify it.
The enchantment will modify the weapon as:
Heal will heal all the hitpoints from a person, except 1d4 points. Maximum 100 points can be healed.
Attacking while invisible will immediately break the spell. Naturally invisible creatures do *not* become visible in combat, although anyone attacked does automatically counterattack.
If possible you will know exactly where an object is, or the name of the person using it. If more than one object by the same name exists, you will get a listing of several objects. The maximum number of objects you can simultaneously locate is your level divided by 2.
Quifael and Redferne wish to group with Dragon.
If you are in a group, this command will tell you the condition of all the group members that you can see. It's equivalent to having done "condition X" for each X in your group.GTELL
If you are in a group, "gtell" will tell a message to every member of the group, as though you did "tell X message" for each X in your group.SPLIT
If you are in a group, this command splits the specified amount of gold equally between all the members of your party present.QUAFF POTION POTIONS
Quaff is used to "drink" a (magical) potion.RECITE SCROLL SCROLLS
Is used to "read" a magical scroll. Target can be an object, character or nothing (which may be yourself).USE WAND STAFF STAFFS WANDS
Using staves will automatically target all living things in a room, except yourself. Therefore staves are naturally very powerful, and yet may be very dangerous to use around other players (or creatures, for that matter). Staves and wands must be equipped (normally held) prior to use.
Blindness will blind a victim failing its saving throw. A blinded person will have -4 penalty to both hitroll and AC.
See Also: AC,
Level Hit Roll Damage
0..17 +1 +1
18..19 +2 +1
20+ +2 2
Copyright 1994-1995 The Mudde Pathetique
25 March 1995 - - - stenor@zeemud.org