Zee Mud Copyright

All original text, HTML, and graphics in these WWW pages are copyright Scott R. Panzer (aka Stenor). These pages contain text from Zee Mud, which is based on Dikumud Gamma 0.0. The copyright on code and text specific to Zee Mud is held by Stenor and Tim Ardoin (aka Blitz). The copyright to specific sections in Zee Mud are held by their respective authors. The copyright on the remainder (text, code, and sections common to all Dikumuds) is held by the original creators of Dikumud: Hans Henrik Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer. The copyright to any public domain or freeware images contained within these pages is held by their respective author(s).

Copyright © 1997-1998 -- Zee Mud -- Last updated 31 January 1998.